Log House

Address: Haharzit 47, Migdal, Israel

Boasting an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub and garden with BBQ facilities, Log House is located in Migdal. With free Wi-Fi and a table tennis, this property has stunning views over the Sea of Galilee.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Neve Kinneret Nof Kineret , Migdal
  2. Lea's - Spirit of the Galilee Nof ha-Arbel St 5, Migdal
  3. Villa La Spa Migdal, Migdal
  4. Luxury Villa Yaelit And Orit HaBrosh St. , Migdal
  5. White House Villa Migdal Moshava, Migdal
  6. Galileo House Migdal, Migdal
  7. Crown Estate Hatamar St. 2, Migdal
  8. The Lake House HaAlon Street 11 Po Box 543, Migdal
  9. Morya Guesthouse Hadar 4, Migdal
  10. Romance In The Cabin Livnim 46, Livnim
  11. Mul Kinneret Livnim Livnim, Livnim
  12. Chalet Amorino Har Arbel Street, Livnim

Companies and places nearby

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  2. Beit Bracha Guest House Bed and Breakfast
  3. 讗讞讜讝转 讛驻专讞讬诐 讘讻谞专转 Vacation Home Rental
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  8. 注讜讙讛 注讜讙讛- 讗驻讬讛 讘专诪讛 讗讞专转 Food & Beverage Company
  9. 讜讬诇讛 讛讘讬转 讛诇讘谉 讬讬砖讜讘 诪讙讚诇
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  16. 诪讜砖诪讜砖 诪讙讚诇 讛注诪拽 Restaurant
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  31. 谞讜驻砖 讚讘讬专 Bed and Breakfast
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