
Address: HaHoresh St. 106, Amirim, Israel

Gan-Hamlachim is located in Amirim. It offers views of the Sea of Galilee and free WiFi access. The accommodation will provide you with log fire, a flat-screen TV with home cinema, and air conditioning.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. First Light Cabins Hahoresh 5, Amirim
  2. Honny - Boutique Hotel Amirim, Amirim
  3. Heaven On Earth Hahoresh St 113, Amirim
  4. Ohn-Bar Guesthouse Mitzpe Kineret 10, Amirim
  5. Ha'Seuda Ha'Achrona Suites Amirim, Amirim
  6. Amirey Hagalil Boutique Hotel Amirim, Amirim
  7. Nofesh Ne'eman Mitzpe Kinneret 29, Amirim
  8. Dream Time Harimonim 6, Amirim
  9. Red and White HaOranim St 23, Amirim
  10. Zimmers at the Forest haoranim , Amirim
  11. Nof 10 Amirim, Amirim
  12. Aviv - Bakfar in Amirim Mitzpe Menachem 67, Amirim

Companies and places nearby

  1. 讗讜专 讘专讗砖讬转 - 爪讬诪专讬诐 讘讗诪讬专讬诐 讘爪驻讜谉 Bed and Breakfast
  2. 讙谉-讛诪诇讻讬诐 - 爪讬诪专讬诐 讬讜拽专转讬讬诐 讘讗诪讬专讬诐
  3. 讛诪注讙诇 砖诇 讞讜谞讬- 诪诇讜谉 讘讜讟讬拽 讜诪专讞讘 注讘讜讚讛 拽讛讬诇转讬 Honny Boutique hotel Bed and Breakfast
  4. 砖诪讬讬诐 讜讗专抓 - 爪讬诪专讬诐 讘讗诪讬专讬诐 Vacation Home Rental
  5. Honny's Circle Hotel resort
  6. 讗诪讬专讬诐-讛住注讜讚讛 讛讗讞专讜谞讛 Restaurant
  7. 谞讜驻砖 谞讗诪谉 讘讗诪讬专讬诐 Bed and Breakfast
  8. Pizza sicilia 驻讬爪讛 住讬住讬诇讬讛 Food delivery service
  9. 讛诪拽讜诐 砖诇 讬砖"讬 Restaurant
  10. 爪讬诪专讬诐 讙砖专 诇讗讜讛讘讬诐 Hotel resort
  11. 讙讜诇诪讬谞讗 - 拽讘讜爪转 拽谞讬讬讛 讙诇讬诇讬转 Fruit & Vegetable Store
  12. 讘转讬 讛讞诇讜诪讜转 砖诇 诪砖驻讞转 驻诇讙 Bed and Breakfast
  13. 驻谞讬谞讛 讘讛专讬诐 爪讬诪专讬诐 讘讙诇讬诇 Tour Agency
  14. 住讟讜讚讬讜 讘专讬拽讜诇讗讝' Diy- 住讚谞讗讜转, 讞讜讙讬诐, 讬爪讬专讛
  15. 转诪专 驻诇讚诪谉 - 专驻讜讗讛 住讬谞讬转 Medical Service
  16. Dance of Colors Art Gallery
  17. 讘讜讟诇
  18. 住驻讗 诪诇讜谉 讗诪讬专讬 讛讙诇讬诇
  19. 诪诇讜谉 讘讜讟讬拽 讗诪讬专讬 讛讙诇讬诇
  20. Amirey Hagalil
  21. 诪诪转拽讬 驻专讚讬讬住 Movie Theater
  22. 讗讚讜诐 诇讘谉
  23. 讛拽诇讬谞讬拽讛 - 诪拽讜诐 诇讛讬讜转 Alternative & Holistic Health Service
  24. 诇讜讙-讟拽 讘转讬 注抓
  25. 讘爪诇 讛讗讬诇谉 Recreation Center
  26. 爪'讬诪讬 诪讜讟讜专
  27. 讗讬讬诇 驻诇讙 - 砖讬专讜转讬 诪讬讚讜诇 讜讛讚驻住讛 讘转诇转 诪讬诪讚 3d 讘爪驻讜谉
  28. 住驻讗 讞诇讜诐 Health Spa
  29. 住驻讗 注诇 讛谞讞诇 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  30. 爪讬诪专 - 讘讜讟讬拽 讙讙 讛讙诇讬诇 Hotel resort
  31. Solange hang healing therapies/住讚谞讗讜转 讟讬驻讜诇讬诐 诪讙注 驻谞讟诐 讗诪讬专讬诐 Spa
  32. 诪住注 讘专 诪爪讜讜讛
  33. Ohn Sports & recreation
  34. Gazoor - 讘讜讘讜转 诇讘讚 讬讬讞讜讚讬讜转 Organic felt animals
  35. 讛诇讜讞砖转 诇讻诇讘讬诐 - 转拽砖讜专转 讟诇驻转讬转 Pet Service
  36. 讛诇诇讜-讬讛 讞转讜谞讜转, 讘专 诪爪讜讜讛, 讞讗诇拽讛 讜讞讗驻诇讜转 Music Production Studio